Last week the most amazing thing happened...
Hello! I'm just calling by to wish you a very happy Valentine's Day for tomorrow and to share two pieces of AMAZING news with you. The...
Christmas greetings from me to you
Hello! With just twelve sleeps till Christmas, I don't know about you, but I'm finally starting to get the festive feels. The decorations...
Cloud and the Wildfire Riders out in paperback now!
Hello! I promised to keep you posted about the release of the paperback version of the latest Riverdale story, Cloud and the WildFire...
New Riverdale book OUT NOW!!
Hello! I'm delighted to say that the new Riverdale book, Cloud and the Wildfire Riders, is out now! The eleventh book in the series was...
The big cover and title reveal...
Hello! First of all a huge thank you to everyone who voted for their favourite title in my poll. You made a difficult decision SO much...
On finally reaching The End, results of my book giveaway and a plea for help!
Hello! I have so much to tell you that I don't know where to start. At the beginning, I guess! So my first big bit of news is that I have...
Win the very first copies of the new-look Riverdale books!
Hello! First of all, I want to wish you a very happy World Book Day! To celebrate, I'm holding a competition to win signed copies of the...
Coming to a bookstore near you!
Hello! I have some fantastic Riverdale news to share with you today and I hope you're going to be as excited as me. [Which might not...
Riverdale news, kitten spam and some general horsing around
Hello! First of all, I'd like to wish you a very happy New Year and I hope that 2022 is a year to remember for all the right reasons....
Birthdays, audiobooks and generally horsing around
Hello! Well, it's been a busy few months here at Wills HQ, with lots of riding, walking and book business to keep me busy! We're off on a...