On finally reaching The End, results of my book giveaway and a plea for help!
Hello! I have so much to tell you that I don't know where to start. At the beginning, I guess! So my first big bit of news is that I have...

Coming to a bookstore near you!
Hello! I have some fantastic Riverdale news to share with you today and I hope you're going to be as excited as me. [Which might not...

The Top Secret Project - REVEALED!
Hello! You remember that top secret project I mentioned in my last email? I am delighted to say that I can now present THE BIG REVEAL!...

Ponies and magic - who could ask for more?!
Remember that book I promised to have finished in six weeks? After working as a news reporter for 20 odd years (and some of them were...

Exclusive news about the latest Riverdale book!
Hello! Just a short missive from Wills HQ today with the very latest news on The Secret of Witch Cottage, the fifth book in the Riverdale...