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Were you a winner in my book giveaway?


I am delighted to announce the winners in my latest book giveaway.

Sophie Heron from Hampshire was the UK winner, and signed copies of The Thirteenth Horse and Trophy Horse will be winging their way to Sophie in the morning.

The winner from outside the UK was Martina Heitland from the US. Martina wins ebooks of the two books.

Congratulations ladies!

The competition post over on my Facebook page reached more than 3,200 people, which is just brilliant, so thanks to everyone who liked, commented on and shared the post.

Sorry if you weren't lucky this time but stay tuned - there will be plenty more opportunities to win lovely stuff over the coming months.

Talking about lovely stuff, don't forget that the eighth Riverdale book, The Mystery of Riverdale Tor, is free to download until tomorrow, Monday 17 February.

The book sees pony-mad Poppy McKeever turn detective to track down the dog that attacked the sheep on her best friend Scarlett's farm.

Just click on the links below to download your copy, but don't forget it's a time-limited offer that runs out tomorrow.

That's all from me on this wild and stormy Sunday afternoon here in Kent.

Speak soon and happy reading!

Amanda x

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