Happy World Book Day!
This is just a quick missive from me to wish you all a very Happy World Book Day. May your day be full of fantastic stories!

To celebrate the occasion, The Lost Pony of Riverdale, the first adventure in The Riverdale Pony Stories, is just 99p/99c to download until the end of the weekend, instead of its usual price of £2.99/$3.99.
So if you want to know exactly what happened when Poppy and her family moved from Twickenham to a cottage on the edge of Dartmoor, just click these links:
And if you've read Lost Pony already, please do tell a pony-mad friend about this special deal.
Meanwhile, it has been a rollercoaster few weeks at Wills HQ since I last wrote.
THE GOOD NEWS: The new edition of Into the Storm was printed, and I received the first copies in my sticky mitts last week. They look amazing, and hopefully will be on sale at a bookshop near you very soon. I'll keep you posted.
THE BAD NEWS: Our eight-month-old kitten, Amber, came in from the garden three weeks ago today clearly in a lot of pain. We think she'd either been hit by a car or had fallen from a tree (unfortunately the old wives' tale that cats always fall on their feet is just that: an old wives' tale).
We rushed her to the vets where she had an operation the following day, and she spent the next couple of days in the cat equivalent of intensive care.
THE BEST NEWS: I am so happy to report that she's done amazingly well and has pretty well recovered from the surgery. She's still under house arrest for another couple of weeks, but she's well on the road to a full recovery. She's definitely lost at least one of her nine lives, but I am so, so glad to have her back in her bed on my desk where she belongs.

Did you grab your copy of the spring edition of PONY Magazine with the free paperback of Saving Grace?
I was over the moon to see the magazine on sale in our local Sainsbury's, and I just had to stop and take a photo for posterity!
I have really enjoyed seeing all the pictures PONY Mag readers have been posting on Instagram showing their copies of the book.
As author career highlights go, it's definitely up there.
[And no offence to Hornby, but ponies are so much more fun than model railways, don't you reckon?!]
That's all from me for now. Don't forget to tell everyone you know that The Lost Pony of Riverdale is just 99p/99c until the end of the weekend.
Happy reading!